Group Leader

 Short Bio

 Pedro Gomez-Romero (FRSC) is Full Professor of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since 2006. He is the Head of the NEO-Energy Group at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2 (CSIC-BIST) in Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain) (2007-).

Born in Almansa (Spain), B. Sc. and Ms Sc. Universidad de Valencia, Spain. Ph.D. in Chemistry, Georgetown University, USA, 1987, with Distinction. CSIC Researcher at ICMAB (CSIC), 1990-2007. Sabbatical at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL, Golden, Colorado, USA (1998-99). Vicedirector of MATGAS technology Center (2010-2013). Member of the Materials Science Committee of CSIC (2012- 2014). He is currently member of EuroScience, the Electrochemical Society, The Royal Society of Chemistry, The International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) and the Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AECC). Prof. Gomez-Romero is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) since 2014.

Prof. Gomez-Romero research is focused on the design and development of materials and devices for energy storage and conversion (batteries, supercapacitors and supercapbatteries),  including a wide variety of materials from inorganics (Polyoxometalates, oxides, LiFePO4) to Graphene or Nanopipes, with special emphasis on hybrid nanostructures and nanocomposite materials with inorganic clusters or nanoparticles and polymers or carbons. His recent work focuses on Zn systems, from Zn-Ion Capacitors to Zn-Ion batteries to Zn-Air batteries, as well as the redefinition of energy storage devices through the use of nanopaste electrodes. Also recently, the creation of a spin-off company “Napptilus Battery Labs” aims at putting all the knowledge generated in the lab to work in the development of fast-charging and long-lasting energy storage devices.

Among various awards he has been awarded the CIDETEC Award for Research in Electrochemistry (2013-16), 2017

He has published over 250 articles, book chapters and conference proceedings, has filed 10 patents (ES, EU, WO) and has presented numerous invited research papers at international conferences and congresses. He is Scientific editor of the books “Functional Hybrid Materials” P. Gómez-Romero, C. Sanchez (Eds.) (Wiley-VCH 2004) and “Metal Oxides in Supercapacitors” (Elsevier, 2017, D Dubal , P. Gomez-Romero)  . Prof. Gomez-Romero is very active in social communication of science through popular science articles, many invited conferences and courses and collaborations in the media. He is the author of the book “Nanomundo. Un paseo por la Nanotecnología, Materia/El País, 2016) and three award-winning popular science books (Metaevolución. La Tierra en el espejo (Ed. Celeste, 2001),  Un Planeta en busca de energía (Ed. Síntesis, 2007) and “Creadores de futuro” Editorial Bromera, 2016). He is the Editor of the popular science web and the Youtube Science Channel TECNOSFERA.


Google Scholar Pedro GOMEZ-ROMERO

SCOPUS: Gomez-Romero, Pedro

Researcher ID (Thomson Reuters): B-7855-2008
ORCID ID 0000-0002-6208-5340

Former Professional Activities

  • Research Scientist CSIC Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona 1990-2000
  • NATO Senior Scientist Fellow. At the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (Golden, Colorado, USA).  1998, 1999
  • Senior Research Scientist CSIC. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona 2001-2006
  • Coordinator of the Catalan Fuel Cell Network (Xarxa Temàtica, Generalitat de Catalunya) (2003-2005)
  • Head of the Department of Solid State Chemistry and Crystallography, ICMAB (2004-2006)
  • Vicedirector of MATGAS Technological Center, 2010-2013.
  • Full Professor (Prof. de Investigación) CSIC, ICMAB and CIN2, 2006-present
  • Head of the NEO-Energy Group (Novel Energy-Oriented nanomaterials) at ICN2, 2007-present


  • Ph.D. (with Distinction, awarded to the best 10% of PhD Thesis)
  • Fellow of the U.S.-Spain Joint Committee for Cultural and Educational Cooperation (Fulbright), Chemistry Department, Georgetown University (Washington D.C., USA). 1986-1987
  • Award of the Fundación Domingo Martínez 2000 for work on the electrochemical reduction of CO2. (awarded to Nieves Casañ Pastor, Pedro Gómez-Romero, Eva María Tejada Rosales)
  • Winner of the XIII award “Casa de las Ciencias de Divulgación” (year 2000) for the book “ Metaevolución. La Tierra en el espejo” (Metaevolution. The Earth on the Mirror)
  • Winner of the International award “Esteban de Terreros” (FECYT) (edicion 2006) for the essay book “Un planeta en busca de energía” (A planet in search of energy).
  • Winer of the Premi Europeo de Divulgacio Estudi General (2015) for the book “Creadores de futuro” (Creators of future)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2014-present).
  • CIDETEC Award for Research in Electrochemistry (2013-16), 2017
  • Member of Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Member of The Electrochemical Society.
  • Member of EuroScience (ESOF).
  • Former Member of the Materials Research Society (MRS).
  • Former Member of Sociedad Española de Materiales.
  • Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE).
  • Former member of ACS, AAAS
  • Member of Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica AECC


The people behind our work, present and past. They made it possible.

The NEO-Energy Group at ICN2, Dec 2023

Neo-Energy Group at ICN2, Dec 2023

From Left to right: Dr. Leandro Bengoa, Judith Quiñones, Siyu Chen, Lipeng Wang, Dr. Sergio Domingues, Dr. Rosa Gonzalez-Gil, Prof. Pedro Gomez-Romero, Anukriti Pokhriyal, Alaeddin Maddouri, Shamim Tayar, Sharin Thomas, Veronica Fabian, Dr Riccardo Argurio, Dr. Ceren Karaman, Dr. Daniel Rueda-Garcia

The NEO-Energy Group at ICN2 in June 2023

From left to right: Anukriti Pokhriyal, Leandro Nicolás Bengoa Abraham, Rosa Maria Gonzáles Gil, Lipeng Wang, Shamim Tayar, Pedro Gómez-Romero, Sharin Maria Thomas, Verónica Fabián, Judith Quiñones Acuña, Daniel Rueda-García, Georgia Martimianaki

The NEO-Energy Group at ICN2 on December 14, 2021From left to right: Luis Martínez-Soria, Victor Fuentes, Jun-Jie Zhu, Pedro Gómez-Romero, Anukriti Pokhriyal, Verónica Fabián, Rosa González y Daniel Rueda-García

We hope to publish soon more recent pictures. The CoVid-19 has prevented us from doing it so far

Oct 12 2019

From left:  Daniel Rueda-García, Verónica Fabián, Dr. Bhawna Nagar, Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero, Dr. Raul Benages, Carlos Marchante, Dr. Rocío Rodriguez-Laguna, Jun-Jie Zhu.

Nov 2017. Late Fall Season in Bellaterra

From left: Katarina Gavalierova, Daniel Rueda-García, Mauri Jiménez, Dra. Zahilia Cabán-Huertas, Rocío Rodriguez-Laguna, Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero, Dr. Raul Benages, Bhawna Nagar, Carlos Marchante.

Our NEO-Energy Team in Dec 2016 (Hong Chen missing)

Pilar Sánchez (4th from the left) and Ashwini Mohite (8th from the left) our new members

NEO Energy Jan 2016_04_small

January 2016

From left: Rocío Rodriguez-Laguna, Sanaz Tajik, Dr. Deepak Dubal, prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero, Daniel Rueda, prof. Fritz Hugenin, Bhawna Nagar, Hong Chen, Angel (Yun Lian) Wang, Zahilia Caban-Huertas.

NEO Energy Group 1032_29_01_2015_new_small

January 2015

From left: Zahilia Caban-Huertas, Hong Chen, Rocío Rodriguez-Laguna, Bhawna Nagar, Franciele Wolfart, prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero,  Daniel Rueda, Dr. Deepak Dubal, Dr. Girish Gund.

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New review Chem.Soc.Rev. 2015 just published

supercapbatteries_thumbChemical Society Reviews  Tutorial Review

Hybrid energy storage: the merging of battery and supercapacitor chemistries

D.P. Dubal,   O. Ayyad,   V. Ruiz and   P. Gómez-Romero*

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 1777-1790 DOI: 10.1039/C4CS00266K


hybrid energy storage

hybrid energy storage review